Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Rear Wall

The first wall goes up...
The rear and right walls the 2x4's are flat (following the dawbox instructions) but I designed the other two walls like a normal wall, with the 2x4's lengthwise in order to support the double door design and to support the weight of the air conditioning unit...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice job Andy! Im attempting to do something very similar in my Garage. Ive been trying to reach the folks at DAWBOX for months, but cant get a response via email or phone. Im kinda scared to order, for fear that i wont get anything. I had a few questions about your build. 1)how did you attach the back walls to the base? 2)is the entire construction freestanding, or does it tie into existing garage framing? 3)Can it be broken down and moved if i were to sell my house?

    1. Christian I responded under your comments on Andy's site.

  3. Christian I had the same issues, I initially order just the plans, paid via pay-pal and upon discovering I'd get consultation if I bought the package (foam & plans). Called to have them hold because I wanted to think that expenditure over for a bit. When I got back in touch they'd shipped the plans and was told to send in the package order and they'd refund the initial order's cost. I now have a claim filed with PayPal against Dawbox after three requests for my promised refund!!!

  4. Shortly after the above post, low and behold a PayPal credit appeared! Not sure if it was a coincidence or being contacted by PayPal that did the trick. Glad the issue was solved.
