Sunday, April 3, 2011

Base Unit

The base unit was broken into 9 separate sections,each one 39.5" x 39.5".
I did not follow the dawbox instructions here, I attached the bottom boards (OSB) and then flipped them over. Then I could complete the base without having to flip them over again, something that would be extremely challenging with a 10' x 10' base.
My son Cooper focusing intensely...
I then insulated them, attached them together, and attached MDF on the top side. I wanted the MDF for soundproofing but I used the less expensive OSB for the second layer, or bottom side. MDF is $25, OSB $5 per 4 x 8 sheet.
I also loaded the caulking gun with 100% clear silicone and applied it very generously to every seem, I went through 10 tubes with just the base unit! ($8 each).
Then the workout mats, Lowe's ran out of the gray so I picked up one pack of color. I applied a thick layer of carpet glue with a trowel on the entire base.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I know this is a REALLY old post, but I just started my own Dawbox construction. I am a complete novice however, and often find myself scratching my head. Do you screw the mdf to the base just along the outer perimeter, or along all the joists as well? Or is silicone on the joists enough to prevent squeaking when walking on it?
