Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Dimmer switch for track lighting...
The black cord on the left is simply an extension cord that you can purchase from Lowe's with the female end as exposed wires. This is attached to the dimmer switch while the male end exits the ceiling and is plugged into the outlet by the garage door opener.
The white cord on the right is wired from the dimmer switch up and over towards the left wall and drops down from the ceiling near the AC unit. This will be wired into the track lighting system.
This is the dedicated outlet for the AC unit. It is the same type of extension cord with the exposed wires on the female end. This will exit the rear wall and plugs into a different outlet near the washer/dryer.
Learning wire diagrams, not difficult but required if you are to do any DIY electrical work...
It is important to write things down or I may forget...

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