Monday, March 28, 2011


After searching for many years for a soundproof solution to play my drums at home I have finally found the answer with the dawbox vocal booth plans ( I needed something semi portable, soundproof, and that will fit in my garage and leave enough room for one car. I do not plan on recording, just a place to play my kit while my family is asleep or inside the house without disturbing them. I was days away from ordering a whisper room ( but the high cost of their preassembled rooms ($8-$10K for a 7x10x7 room) made me continue to search for a more affordable solution .

I was inspired by a blog I found on-line from an extremely talented vocalist, Joanna Pearl ( Though I had to customize the instructions to fit my design, the instructions were for 6x6x7.5 (I needed 10x10x7) it was invaluable for me to use the dawbox plans. Joanna's blog was extremely helpful and I hope that I can do the same for others. My experience is slightly different as my room is larger (almost double in size), I utilized the double wall design, and I have a completely different ventilation system in place.

I must also mention the numerous errors and omissions from the dawbox plans, if you choose to go this route just be extra careful with every step. Again, I wouldn't have been able to do this on my own without these plans. They do offer help over the phone (30 minutes with the $50 purchase of their plans) but I have not needed this service yet.